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Title: Glass Soap
Categories: Soap *
Yield: 1 1/2 lb

1/3cMelted coconut oil
1 To 1 1/2 c isopropyl alcohol
  Yellow food coloring

Melt tallow and coconut oil. Set aside to cool. Stir lye flakes into cold water until dissolved, then cool.

When lye and fat are lukewarm, pour lye into fat, stirring to emulsify. Continue to stir until thick and creamy. Add glycerine. Pour into mold. When set hard (3 days) grate into a shallow pot (there should be about 3 cups of grated soap). Be sure the soap is grated finely and evenly since larger pieces will take longer to melt. Add alcohol to the soap and stir to moisten. Add coloring. Set the pot in a larger pan of gently boiling water (do not let the water boil over into the soap). Stir constantly as the alcohol heats and the soap granules dissolve. Alcohol has a very low boiling point, so will quickly begin to evaporate. Continue to stir until the liquid is transparent. Frequently lift the spoon from the liquid. When a ropy thread forms, the soap is almost ready. Remove the pot from the heat a moment. If a thin skin forms on top, pour immediately into molds. If not, return to heat and watch closely until liquid threads from spoon. Pour into molds. When hard, the soap will be clar amber with a quick, gently lather.

Source: "The Art of Soapmaking" by Merilyn Mohr
